DOLPHIN APOCALYPSE in the AMAZON! Unbelievable Heatwave Claims Over 100 Lives


In a shocking turn of events, over a hundred dolphins have perished in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon. This tragedy unfolded against a backdrop of history-making drought and sweltering water temperatures that soared past a scorching 102 degrees Fahrenheit in some areas. The lifeless bodies of these majestic dolphins were discovered within the last … Read more

Unraveling Alaska’s Legal Battle: Biden Administration Faces Lawsuit Over Canceled Arctic Oil and Gas Leases


In a move that has ignited legal sparks, an Alaska state agency recently took the Biden administration to court over its decision to cancel oil and gas leases in the North Slope—a decision that has reverberated across the nation, given the region’s significance as one of the country’s largest reserves of pristine federal land. The … Read more